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王尔德童话 Literature 王童话
Tags : 王尔德   童话   , Posted on 2010-04-28
Mansfield Park(曼斯菲尔德庄园) Mansfield Park(曼庄园)
P2 This file is free for individual use only. It must not be altered or resold. Organisations wishing to use it must first obtain a licence. Low cost licenses are available. Contact us through our web siteThe Electric Book Co 1998 The Elect ...  
Tags : 曼斯菲尔德   Park   庄园   Mansfield   , Posted on 2010-04-27
The Smalcald Articles(斯摩卡尔德·文选) The Smalcald Articles(摩卡·文选)
P2 The Smalcald Articles 2 Preface of Dr. Martin Luther. Since Pope Paul III convoked a Council last year, to assemble at Mantua about Whitsuntide, and afterwards transferred it from Mantua, so that it is not yet known where he will or can ...  
Tags : 斯摩卡尔德   Articles   Smalcald   , Posted on 2010-04-27
罗斯福传 Celebrity Biographies 福传
Tags : 罗斯福   , Posted on 2010-04-28
P2 ROSMERSHOLM 2 DRAMATIS PERSONAE John Rosmer, of Rosmersholm, an ex-clergyman. Rebecca West, one of his household, originally engaged as companion to the late Mrs. Rosmer. Kroll, headmaster of the local grammar school, Rosmer's brother- i ...  
Tags : 罗斯蒙肖龙   ROSMERSHOLM   , Posted on 2010-04-27
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair(其尔得·克里斯托弗) Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair(其得·克里托弗)
P2 Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair 2 CHAPTER I. OF THE KING OF OAKENREALM, AND HIS WIFE AND HIS CHILD.Of old there was a land which was so much a woodland, that a minstrel thereof said it that a squirrel might go from end to end, a ...  
Tags : Fair   Child   Christopher   Goldilind   , Posted on 2010-04-27
俄罗斯儿童小说 Literature 俄儿童小说
树后面是太阳N·拉克莎保育院走廊上发生了什么不寻常的事情。饭厅里散发出一股熟悉的土豆 汤香味,值日生们已经在准备开饭,可是今天却没有一个人急着去饭厅用餐。 孩子们全都拥挤在走廊另一头那扇镶玻璃的门前,门上的牌子写着“院长办 公室”一一平时这儿可 ...  
Tags : 俄罗斯   儿童   小说   , Posted on 2010-08-10
Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven(斯多姆菲尔德船长天国之旅) Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven(多姆菲船长天国之旅)
P2 Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven 2 CHAPTER I Well, when I had been dead about thirty years I begun to get a little anxious.Mind you, had been whizzing through space all that time, like a comet.LIKE a comet!Why, Peters, I laid over th ...  
Tags : Captain   Visit   Heaven   斯多姆菲尔德   船长   , Posted on 2010-04-27
俄罗斯之心—屠格涅夫传 Celebrity Biographies 俄之心—屠格涅夫传
作者简介 尼古拉维尼阿米诺维奇鲍戈斯洛夫斯基——文学研究家,评论家, 关于十九世纪俄国作家的许多论文的作者于一九0四年生于卡卢格市一个医 生的家庭。一九二五年他毕业于国立莫斯科大学语文系。 他在大学时期就开始从事文学活动,在各种杂志上发表论文和 ...  
Tags : 俄罗斯   , Posted on 2010-04-27
best historical novels and tales(乔纳森尼尔德历史小说故事精选) best historical novels and tales(乔纳森尼历史小说故事精选)
P2 A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 2 "These historical novels have taught all men this truth, which looks like a truism, and yet was as good as unknown to writers of history and others, till so taught: that the bygone ages o ...  
Tags : tales   乔纳森尼尔德   best   historical   novels   , Posted on 2010-04-27
俄罗斯诗神:普希金的诗歌 Literature 俄诗神:普希金的诗歌
 普希金一生中有许许多多亲密朋友,他们在诗人遭遇困难时给予过多方 面的帮助和关怀。因而友谊也是普希金生活的重要精神支柱,是他咏唱的重 要主题之一。在他众多的朋友中奶妈阿丽娜·罗季昂诺夫娜无疑是最亲密的 一个,她从诗人童年起就一直陪伴着他。普希 ...  
Tags : 普希金   俄罗斯   诗歌   , Posted on 2010-10-07
Mill on the Floss(弗罗斯河上的磨房) Mill on the Floss(弗河上的磨房)
P2 This file is free for individual use only . It must not be altered or resold. Organisations wishing to use it must first obtain a licence. Low cost licenses are available. Contact us through our web siteThe Electric Book Co 1998 The Elec ...  
Tags : Floss   Mill   弗罗斯   磨房   , Posted on 2010-04-27

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